I apologise for going "recipe blog" mode in this post, but...
Like many wargamers, I too have been swept up in the Midgard Madness and bought a copy of the rules. I plan to use them with my GW LOTR figures, which I have several of, but not enough if I used the typical 8 or 10 figures per unit for infantry, and so I settled for units of 6 (3 for foot skirmishers).
As my figures are singly-based, I needed movement trays. Most wargamers seem to favour Warbases for this - they even have a range of movement trays just for Midgard - but I needed movement trays with 6 slots. In addition, FG already has several movement trays with 6 slots (which he got back in the day when we played Dux Britanniarum), and these had frontages of just shy of 9cm, instead of the typical 12cm.
A bit of googling brought up the Supreme Littleness Designs site, which happily offered movement trays with 6 slots. What's more, they offered them in straight as well as wavy edges - I have been wanting to try irregular-edged movement trays to see how they blend with my mats - and instead of using MDF for the base, they used thin cards, which I prefer.
And since we were paying for postage, FG and I ordered some kits from their Frozen City Ruins range.
The two MDF buildings you see in the top photo are from them. I made a few cuts on the edges of the walls so that not all angles were right angles, then painted the pieces with a slurry made of wall plaster, grey craft paint, and PVA glue. I based them to match my existing "Osgili-esque" buildings, using a textured sheet with York stone pattern for the base instead of the MDF one provided, did a coat of black and then brown wash over them, and garnished the bases with fallen leaves and stones instead of snow.
As for the movement trays, I assembled and then primed them with a brown spray primer (more to seal the cardboard base), then painted them with a basecoat of green mixed to match my mat, and then stippled some brown paint to match the pattern of the mat. Finally, I finished them with some tufts and Geek Gaming Scenics scatter. They are shown below with a measurement template made by FG.
We have actually played a test game of Midgard, and hope to run a game with the rest of the group soon.