Monday, January 02, 2023

Battletech: Clan Invasion Expansion Box Set

First painted figures for the year.

A few weeks ago FG passed me the models from the Battletech Clan Invasion box set because I wanted to paint up a Madcat. Over the long weekend I decided I would try to paint up the remainder of the box since I have chosen a relatively easy paint scheme. This is the result.

I don't know what the names of the mechs are, or how many points they represent in the game - we are looking at at least three versions of the Battletech game now - but hopefully they will see some action soon regardless.


El Grego said...


The only one I can recognize instantly is the Timberwolf. I had to write their names under the base!

daveb said...

Clan mechs are harder to remember as they have two names....clanner ones and then the inner sphere designations (like cold war naming of Russian gear......makes sense considering the vintage of the game).