Friday, July 19, 2024

Three Worlds #14

After nine days, our heroes arrived at the dwarven settlement of Karn Buldhar, a wooden-walled town of some five hundred souls. They were met by Melin, a retainer of the council that ruled Karn Buldhar, and conducted to meet the three councilmen. After the appropriate formalities were performed, they were led to the dining hall, where they were fed a meal of beef dumplings by Baba Clay. Here, they were introduced to a young woman from the Northland named Bliss (see PC profiles here), who had come to seek her fortunes too. Here too Enree found Vaclovas the fur trapper, whom he had met at Obanhold.

After their meal, Melin spoke to our heroes of the events that had led to their invitation of Karn Buldhar. In recent months, a fever has gripped the town as rumours of orc treasure hoards that laid hidden in ruins in the Labyrinth of Shadows, a vast jungle that laid in the next valley from Karn Buldhar. Adventurers have streamed into Karn Buldhar to provision and recruit followers for expeditions into the jungle; few return, and those who do spoke of attacks by savage orcs and monsters, and none return with any treasure. Yet each day more adventurers arrive, and more young dwarves abandon their profession in the town to seek their fortunes. The council feared that the incursions into the jungles would provoke a retaliatory attack from the orcs that lived there.

But more immediate was the problem at Amethyst Ranch, a cattle ranch that laid a day away from Karn Buldhar, by the Lake Amethyst. The ranch provided the town with beef, but in the past few weeks Taggert the ranch owner reported that he was losing cattle. Soon, he began to lose ranch hands, and after a third disappeared the rest decided to abandon the ranch. Fearing that the orcs of the jungle were involved, the council tasked our heroes to investigate the disappearance.

So Arwin, Baldrik, Bliss, and Enree made the journey to Amethyst Ranch. When they arrived they were met by Taggert and the only two ranch hands who remained behind. From the three they learned that the cattle (and later ranch hands) were lost when the cattle were led to drink by the shore of Lake Amethyst. The next morning, our heroes helped the ranch hands drive the cattle to the shore of the lake, and there they waited.

After a while, Enree heard a sound coming from the water of the lake not far from the shore. It sounded like a drowning man struggling, and when he looked he saw what seemed to be an arm waving and bobbing up and down in the water. Enree was suspicious, but he felt himself compelled to take the boat by the shore and row towards the drowning man. The other heroes saw Enree rowing the boat out, but they could not hear nor see what Enree did.

As Enree rowed out into the lake, it seemed to him that the arm began to drift further and further away. When he finally reached the arm, he looked through the surface of the lake and saw a blue bestial face of a creature the size of a large dog staring back at him. The "arm", in reality a long tail of the creature that ended in what looked like a hand, grabbed the side of his boat and tipped it over, causing Enree to fall into the water.

Enree felt himself being dragged into the depths of the lake. He drew his sword and hacked at the creature; he felt his blow connect, and he was free to swim to the surface.

On the shore the others saw what happened, and Baldrik and Bliss began to swim out to reach Enree. Arwin saw the creature surface, and loosed a crossbow bolt at it, striking it and causing it to bleed dark red blood that left a trail in the water and the creature swam towards an island in the middle of the lake.

Once they had reunited, our heroes decided to follow the creature in their boat. When they arrived at the island, they found a cave on the side of the island that opened into the water. The followed the watery passage deeper into the cave system. The passage wound one way and then the other, and soon the party was in complete darkness. Our heroes lit a lantern, and continued.

After a while they saw a light ahead of them. Heading towards the light, they found themselves at the bottom of a large sinkhole. In the middle of the sinkhole was a small island. Above them they could see the sky; dark clouds were gathering above them.

Our heroes beached their boat and stepped onto the small island, which measured no more than sixty feet across. At first they thought that they saw a strangely geometric pattern on the surface of the island, but they soon realised that the pattern was formed by more than a hundred orc skulls, laid twelve to a side in a square. Rain began to fall.

Examining the skulls, our heroes found that they seemed to have been laid there as severed heads, as each had a short length of spine at its base - some of the vertebrae were cut clean across, as if by some sharp implement. Venturing into the middle of the skull formation, Enree discerned something with a magical aura - an obsidian dagger set in a jade handle laid in the centre of the formation. Curiously, the handle of the dagger depicted not an orc, but a stylised elf. Enree pocketed the strange dagger.

The rain started to fall heavier, and our heroes realised that the water level had begun to rise, causing their boat to drift away from the shore and threatening to seal off the passage by which they came into the sinkhole. When they sought to return to their boat, they found the creature lying in wait for them in the water by the shore. When they waded into the water, the creature would leap to attack them, and then vanish into the water before they could strike back. But Bliss, gifted with foresight by the Fates, were able to sense the creature coming towards her, and struck it a heavy blow with her club; the creature became motionless, and floated up on the water. At the same moment, the rain stopped, and the clouds soon parted.

Our heroes hauled the creature into the boat, and made they way back towards the ranch.

Prepping and Running the Game

This was once again a bit of a filler adventure. We have suffered some attrition in our player pool, but Bliss' player, a longtime member of our group, was able to join us for this session.

The session was based mostly on the module, with the main monster swapped. The creature in the story is an ahuizotl, which I thought was an interesting monster.

Much of the session was actually spent roleplaying as I introduced the main NPCs who will appear in this arc of the campaign, chiefly Melin, and Vaclovas from the previous arc. They players also spend some time roleplaying with the two ranch hands, whom they found amusing.

The discovery of the elven dagger sets up the rest of the campaign. It will probably take another two sessions before we are truly into the plot of this arc, but I wonder if I will have enough players to see this through.

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