Sunday, April 26, 2015
May Giveaway
For May I am giving away the WRG George Gush rules and lists.
Let me know if you are interested by leaving a comment, and I will draw a recipient on the 15th of the month. This is not a first-come, first-serve offer.
The offer is free; once I let you know you have been drawn, do let me have your email and mailing address and I will mail it off to you. You don't even have to pay for the postage. I am doing this not to get some money back, but to give these rules a good home. If you want to pay back somehow, I ask that you make a small donation to a local charity, or consider doing the same thing I am doing and give some rulebooks that you no longer use a chance for a new lease of gaming life.
Good Luck
Also, will Robert Hingley please contact me to claim your prize from the March giveaway please?
Friday, April 24, 2015
Night Goblins
I still lack the squig hoppers by fg, and will be replacing some of the spearmen from the squig herder unit with official herders (and maybe more clubbers) figures, but this is the bulk of the 2000 point All Night Goblin army I have cobbled together.
30% of the figures are Adrian's and the rest all second-hand figures bought off ebay and then refurbished or (for a few) repainted. I will need to do up some uniform-looking movement trays for the smaller units. but I think the bulk of the work is done.
Perhaps some Night Goblin-themed terrain pieces next?
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Dungeon Crawl Game 2
fg and I played the second game in our dungeon crawl campaign last night.
This time I used the print-on-demand Small Tile: Dungeon Core Set from Heroic Maps. The card is a little thin, but used on a non-slip surface they work well enough.
The party tracks the goblins who have stolen the farmer's pig back to their lair, and a series of sharp fights manage to kill the goblin chief, take a couple of prisoners, and recover the pig (and for some strange reason) a goat.
Among the loot they have taken from the goblins' lair they find a map, and after interrogating the goblin prisoners, they learn of the sinister plot behind the map...
The dwarf bashes down the door and the party surprise a goblin mutant, a goblin shaman, and a couple of, well, goblins. |
Friday, April 17, 2015
One of the two things that make a night goblin army so irresistible to me are the squigs. The squig models from GW can be expensive though, so I decided to use the 'War Haggises' from Black Hat Miniatures as a substitute. They look like a cross between GW squigs and the jib jib from Steve Jackson's Sorcery!
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A jib jib, apparently Steve Jackson's favourite creature in all his Fighting Fantasy books. |
I have also used 'normal' night goblins as herders instead of the official herder miniatures.
With this unit completed, my All-Night Goblin army is ready save for a unit of squig hoppers fg will be painting. Once I get the movement trays made I will pose them for a group shot.
Next up are a unit of 40 clanrats to refurbish...
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Dungeon Crawl Game 1
fg and I played the first game in our Savage Worlds dungeoncrawl campaign last night.
The adventurers were having a pint at the local when inconsiderate goblins attacked and started looting and burning buildings down.
Unfortunately for them the village was hosting not just the four player characters, but also a dwarf warrior and a mage who were in the neighbourhood too.
The good guys made short work of the attackers, but not before they escaped with the farmer's prized pig. Now the adventurers must track the goblins back to their lair to save its bacon!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Fimli and Grodo
I like dungeon crawl games - they are like the comfort food of wargaming.
fg and I are planning to have dungeon crawl campaign using the Savage Worlds rules and some dungeon tiles I ordered (yes, I know I have already got several...).
We are each going to run two characters. fg is going to run an elven prince and a human witch, and I will be running a halfling thief and a dwarven fighter.
I am calling them Grodo and Fimli until I can think of better names for them.
Grodo is a GW LOTR Merry from the boxed set. Or maybe Pippin - I can't tell the two apart in the book or the movie, much less in miniatures form. I have made him a thief who is curious, greedy, and big-mouthed, so he is definitely one of those people you don't want to hang around.
Fimli is also from the GW LOTR range, in this case one of the Iron Guards. Fimli I am planning to make a dual-wielding mercenary who is arrogant, stubborn, but loyal, which explains why he hangs around Grodo. Fimli is a rather successful mercenary, which explains his fancy kit.
And while we are on the topic of halflings, I learnt about this little beauty from Westfalia Miniatures.
I think he will find a place in my unit of crossbowmen.
Friday, April 03, 2015
Night Goblin Fanatics
One of the things that makes a Night Goblin army so much fun is of course the fanatics. I am putting together an All-Night Goblin army (that's an army made up of night goblins, not an army of goblin that goes on throughout the night...) just so that I can field these little bundles of craziness.
And the squigs.
So two; two of the things that make a Night Goblin Army...
I am almost done with the army now - I've refurbished about 170 figures and will be painting some Black Hat Miniatures War Haggis to use as squigs. Combined with the Night Goblins Adrian has painted and the Squig Riders that fg is going to paint, I should have 2000 points there.
Next on the list will be another 40 skaven clanrats to refurbish (I know I said I wouldn't...), then hopefully after them I will be painting the WOTR Light Cavalry by Perry.
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
April Giveaway
For April I am giving away a quartet of ancient ancients rules.
These are from the 70s and 80s, full of charts and tables and probably only good for collecting rather than playing these days.
Let me know if you are interested in getting either of the bundles by leaving a comment, and I will draw a recipient on the 15th of the month. This is not a first-come, first-serve offer.
The offer is free; once I let you know you have been drawn, do let me have your email and mailing address and I will mail it off to you. You don't even have to pay for the postage. I am doing this not to get some money back, but to give these rules a good home. If you want to pay back somehow, I ask that you make a small donation to a local charity, or consider doing the same thing I am doing and give some rulebooks that you no longer use a chance for a new lease of gaming life.
Good Luck
Also, will Robert Hingley please contact me to claim your prize from last month's giveaway please?
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