Monday, July 03, 2023

Mork Borg One-shot


We couldn't get the whole gang together for a session last month, so Dave agreed to run a one-shot for Sheng and I instead.

The game he chose was Mork Borg.

I have never actually looked into Mork Borg despite all the hype I saw about it, so I was happy to have a chance to play it.

Getting into the game was actually very easy, since the (almost) art-free version of the rules is available for free from their site, AND you don't actually need to read all the rules, since there is an online character generator available.

Your character has four ability scores, hit points, re-rolls... and that's it! The gameplay is player-facing, which means the players roll to attack and defend against monsters, but since you only need to (and can only) know your ability score modifiers, you don't really need to know much beyond rolling.

Dave ran a quick dungeon for us, which was old-school on the 80s way - in one instance we fight off undead, and entered the next room to find some human guards sitting around a table playing cards as if they didn't just hear a combat happening behind their door.

We got into it, had fun, and managed to complete our mission and flee with our lives from our double-crossing quest-giver, meaning there is a chance for a sequel.

Over all I found the rules too simplistic for me. It has strong Dungeon Crawl Classics and Knave vibes, but has a lot less crunch.

I believe that much of the excitement around Mork Borg was due to the aesthetics, which has spawned or revived a whole movement, and that to really get into the spirit of the setting you will need the full rulebook experience and invest time into learning the lore.

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