Thursday, October 24, 2024

Catching Up and 3D printed resin figures

I apologise to my readers for the long absence. Recent changes in my living circumstances, work demands, and a dislocated little finger have all eaten into my leisure time, and while I have continued to spend on the hobby and play, it has left me no time to update this blog.

Our Three Worlds RPG campaign has ended, but I have yet to write the AAR for the final two sessions. We have taken a break from RPG due to the attrition in player base, with most of the players for that campaign now in other countries, but we may be cobbling together a group from our old players and getting some gaming in with a new game master.

Wargaming has therefore come to the forefront, with several purchases being made, figures painted (some by me, but most by a professional painter I engaged), and convention game being put up this coming weekend.

I will try to post the AARs for the sessions we had the previous months in the near future; in the meantime here are a couple of photos of 3D printed resin figures painted by me:

15mm Arab Civilians by Red Copper Miniatures, via Proxy Wargaming Aus

15mm Carthaginian Poeni Cavalry by Cromarty Forge, via The Plastic Soldier Company

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