As promised, here are my two OGAM warbands.
Balor leads the Fomorians against Thor and the dwarves. |
It looks like quite a lot of figures for a set of rules that has not even been released, but really I have only added the two god figures to arrive at this.
The dwarves I have had for the longest time, and only Thor needed to be added for them to be a full OGAM warband.
The Fomorians are mainly my beastmen force. Configured for Strandhogg they look like this:
One beastlord with two warbands, each with a Wargor leader, 3 Ungor skirmishers, and 5 Gor warriors. |
By adding a Hordes Skorne Cyclops Shaman as Balor, a Hasselfree Ceril as Bres, a beastman female shaman as some sort of priestess, I have an OGAM warband.
Balor, Bres, a priestess, a couple of beastmen heroes, a melee unit, and a missile unit. |
Finally, with the addition of a minotaur and a barbarian figure, I get a legal Hordes Circle Orboros themed warband:
Kromac in his human form with his beastman form behind, minotaur as Ghetorix proxy, Gamezone troll as a Gorax, two Tharn Ravager units of 4 figure each, one with a Chieftain and one with a Shaman, two beastmen heroes as Tharn Whitemanes, and the Ungors as a Tharn Blood Pack. |
So there they are. Three warbands for two sets of rules I haven't even tried before.
Time to take a break from figure-painting and do some terrain work next.
the addition of the elf really makes the warband very intresting looking!
Always nice to see a band of warriors. Thats the good thing about fantasy figures, they are quite flexible. Historical figues tend to stick to one period/army and looks funny out of it.
Wow, that is really cool and inventive use of figures. Nice work.
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