Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Hero's Journey 2e Kickstarter

My gaming calendar is actually filled all the way to the end of the year. That's right: I've actually got a Word document calendar on my computer on which I plot every single session of every planned campaign I run, and all 38 Mondays which are not adjoining public holidays (which I avoid scheduling games on, preferring my players to spend their long weekends with their families) or which fall during my planned vacations have a game scheduled on them.

And of course then something like this Kickstarter comes along and ruin everything.

The cover immediately reminded me of Beyond the Wall, and of course the covers of the re-released Dragon Warriors series.

The low-fantasy, folklore-inspired tone of the game further reminded me of Dragon Warriors, and before long I was planning to start a new campaign set in Late Anglo-Saxon England, my favourite historical fantasy setting.

Unfortunately for me the Kickstarter is scheduled to deliver in June 2020, which means that I will likely have to wait six months or longer between receiving the book and being able to run it. Well, that will give me more time to get some Dark Age figures painted...

The Kickstarter is already funded, and is at this time about US$3000 from its final stretch goal of a Companion volume with more character classes and additional rules, so if this game looks like it is your cup of tea, do consider backing it, or sharing it with your friends and readers.



Howard Lowe said...

Good blog posst

Gerard Walker said...

This sounds fascinating; I'm excited to learn about Late Anglo-Saxon England.