Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Operation Dumpkirk

Last month I moved from the place I have lived in for 15 years to a new place some 20km away. While I hired a professional mover to shift the furniture and other items, for my miniatures I enlisted the aid of six of my friends in an operation which I dubbed Dumpkirk (chiefly because in the run-up to the actual move I had to return the mats, terrain, books, and minis which some of them have left at my place over the years). The photo above shows what remained to be moved to my new place.

With three cars, we managed to complete the operation from loading to unloading in about an hour and a half, which gave us some time to play a game of Tiny Towns...

before dinner was delivered.

My dining table had not been delivered then, so we ate around the coffee table. 

A week later we had a supplementary session to move some stuff, after which we played a couple of card games at the new dining/gaming table, including Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls,

As a result of the move I am several reports behind - something which I hope to rectify over the next few days.

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