Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Mantic Vanguard Game

Adrian, FG, and I got together for a game of Vanguard yesterday. We were hoping to get some sort of a campaign going, and decided to give the rules a try since they are available for free from Mantic. We played a three-sided game: Adrian fielding his dwarves, FG his Brotherhood (with the water elemental you see in the photo above), and me fielding ratkin/skavens.

We got most of the rules correct, but we played rather conservatively and none of us actually pushed our figures to gain Fatigue, so a large part of the game was not "utilised".

By and large the rules felt rather generic, which isn't really a criticism since it also means it's easy to learn and play.

At the end of the session, we decided we will instead give the new, second edition of Frostgrave a try instead. FG and I enjoyed playtesting the first edition, but never actually played a game after the rules were officially published; this will be a good opportunity to get back into the game.

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