Thursday, April 27, 2023

John Wick #0

We needed a 'filler' campaign between our Dwarrowdeep campaign and our next fantasy campaign, and with John Wick Chapter 4 being released last month, I decided to run a short campaign based in the John Wick universe.

The rules I chose was Covert Ops, which is based on the same engine as the Art of Wuxia rules, which we used for our wuxia campaign last year. Covert Ops has the same kind of rules for different martial arts moves, and even rules for gun-fu, which I thought would be great for recreating the movies' feel.

We held a session zero, and the characters my players created were:

Bruce - An NYPD detective and martial artist.

Alice - An FBI agent working undercover in the Calabrian mafia in New York.

Yusof (Joseph) Farhad - A Persian-American veteran who works as a freelance hitman.

Jason - A wheelman and 'transporter'.

Mori - A Shinto priest and caretaker of the Japanese Garden in Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, a High Table sanctioned site.

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